PAHCS Providers Now Certified for Implanon® Procedure

What is Implanon®?

Dr. Mariola Czapiewska, Dr. Julie Youngs, and Jennifer Dean-Dwyer PA-C are proud to announce their certification with Implanon®.

IMPLANON® is a type of birth control for women. It is a flexible plastic rod the size of a matchstick that is put under the skin of your arm.

IMPLANON® contains a hormone called etonogestrel. You can use a single IMPLANON® rod for up to three years. Because IMPLANON® does not contain estrogen, your healthcare provider may recommend IMPLANON® even if you cannot use estrogen.

Established worldwide
Since 1998, there have been more than 4.5 million IMPLANON® units sold worldwide. It is a progestin-only method of birth control and does not contain estrogen. IMPLANON® does not contain latex or silicone and will not dissolve.

IMPLANON® (etonogestrel implant) is for the prevention of pregnancy in women.

IMPLANON® does not protect against HIV (AIDS) or other sexually transmitted diseases.

To learn more about Implanon® log on to or call to schedule an appointment with one of our certified providers.

Paynesville Area Health Care System
200 West First Street • Paynesville

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