Hilltop Care Center maintains 5 star rating with MDH

The Minnesota Department of Health issued a deficiency free report to Hilltop Care Center, Watkins following its April 2011 on-site visit and health inspection.

Hilltop Care Center, along with all skilled nursing facilities, is surveyed annually by the State of Minnesota’s Department of Health. This is an unannounced visit with trained surveyors doing an onsite comprehensive review of all areas, including quality of resident care and services, along with facility policies, procedures and operational management.

“This deficiency free report is a tribute of our commitment to quality by our employees,” stated Annette Schroeder, Director of Nursing for Hilltop Care Center. “Since the Minnesota Department of Health implemented the 5 star rating scale in 2008 we have maintained our 5 star designation which is a huge accomplishment and one we are extremely proud of.”

The Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed over 400 Federal and State standards for surveyors to evaluate for facility compliance. When a facility fails to meet any of these standards, they are issued a deficiency. The average number of deficiencies issued to facilities in Minnesota is 10.

“Hilltop Care Center takes great pride in their facility and the total well being of each and every resident. From nursing care to social activities, dietary, housekeeping and maintenance- a 5 star rating requires a total team effort,” said Beverly Mueller, Long Term Care Director for Paynesville Area Health Care System.

Hilltop Care Center, Watkins is an entity of the Paynesville Area Health Care System.

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