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The renovation project on the main floor involved some new flooring, new window treatments, and new cabinetry in the dining room; installing a handrail; removing most of the wallpaper and painting those walls; painting the activity room; a new ceiling, lighting upgrades; transforming a room near the main entrance to a small library; and the purchase of new furniture. In addition to these updates, PAHCS has also purchased new wall hangings, which includes some local, historical photos, to enhance their newly-renovated main floor.
"The new ceilings should have better acoustics, and the lighting upgrades should make it easier for residents to see, both for reading and for ambulating", stated Mueller.
It was important that the remodeled spaces suite the tastes and needs of the 23 current tenants and their children and/or close relatives, Mueller said. "It has to be a win-win."
It has been fun for Washburne Court's tenants and their families to watch the progress made on the renovation during the past three months, Mueller said.
"It's been a good project," she said. "The tenants really deserve this. It was time."
This year the main floor was the focus of the renovation, but PAHCS has plans to renovate the second and third floor of the facility as well, Mueller said.
PAHCS offers three senior living location options in Paynesville. Koronis Manor, a long-term care facility and 700 Stearns, senior housing with assisted living services available, are both located on the Paynesville Area Health Care System main campus. Both of these facilities are directly connected to the hospital and clinic. Washburne Court is located just a few short blocks away and is very convenient to downtown shopping.
Posted on
Tue, May 21, 2013
by Diane Wimmer
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