The Paynesville Area Hospital District took the following actions at their meeting on Wednesday, March 27, 2002.
The board was informed that the takeover date for the merger of the Hilltop Good Samaritan Center in Watkins and the Good Samaritan Care Center - to be renamed Washburne Court - in Paynesville has been delayed by a month. Paynesville Area Health Care System will not assume ownership of both facilities on May 1, 2002, instead of April 1, 2002.
The delay was caused by a 30-day notice required for the city of Watkins to pay off the bonds on the facility in Watkins.
The board received an update from its CEO search committee. CEO Willie LaCroix intends to retire at the end of the year.
The committee has received proposals from two search firms and plans to meet with representatives from one firm in April, as well as work out a compensation package.
The search committee hopes to interview candidates this summer and have a finalist by next fall. A representative from the medical staff, from the executive committee, and from the department heads will participate in the interviewing.
The board approved employee education loan requests for Trudy Roufs ($7,500), Lisa Phillipp ($5,000), and Cheri Lopez ($1,000). PAHCS may be able to use state grants for Roufs and Lopez, who have stated their intention to remain in long-term care after earning degrees.
The state created a new scholarship program last year that provides long-term care facilities with 25 cents per resident per day for scholarships. This money must be spent or it may be taken away by the state.
The board was informed that the Joint Management Committee has recommended recruiting another physician, to serve primarily at the Richmond Area Medical Clinic. That effort has started. Some doctors are currently spending extra half days in Richmond.
The board approved that J.D. Anderson, Pharm.D., has completed his provisional period.