Service Award Profiles

Sandra Hemmesch - Registered Nurse
(25 years of service)

My career at PAHCS actually began in September 1972, when I began working as a nurse's aide. In January 1975, I started work as an LPN. At that time, I wasn't ready for the increased responsibility of an RN. In September 1988, I started the RN program at Willmar Community College and graduated in May 1990, and have been an RN since then.

I've really enjoyed working in health care for over 25 years. PAHCS is a great facility and I'm proud to be a part of the wonderful staff here, where I have been blessed with many lifelong friendships.

My advice for someone interested in starting a health care career would be there are many opportunities available. Nursing has been a very rewarding profession for me. I'm able to assist with the miracle of delivering babies and I feel good about what I do when a patient tells me, "Sandy, I feel better just because you're here." It's comforting to know I have helped to ease someone's emotional or physical pain. I have tried to treat each patient as if they were a member of my own family and I hope I'm able to work as a nurse for many years.

Erna Kotten - Lab Technician
(25 years of service)

Growing up, I always wanted to be a nurse. My parents could not afford to send me to nursing school, though, so instead I chose a career as a lab technician. This was a shorter and less expensive program.

While working at PAHCS, I have enjoyed getting to know all the people in the Paynesville community. I work with a great group of fellow employees! My advice to someone interested in a health care profession is that it's very rewarding and well-worth the effort it takes.

Jean Christen - Data Processing
Insurance Billing - Team Leader
(25 years of service)

I always wanted to work in the medical field after working in a nursing home during my high school years. I found it very rewarding and I enjoyed helping people.

I benefit from the variety of learning experiences found in a health care profession. PAHCS offers state-of-the-art medical services, which help increase my knowledge of the medical field. The billing end of these services has many changes, but at the same time can be beneficial in understanding how our policies actually work.

I would encourage anyone who is thinking about pursuing a career in health care to make an on-site visit to a facility close to them to get a chance to see firsthand the many careers and opportunities available in health care today.

Jean M. Deadrick - Clinic Nursing
(35 years of service)

As a high school graduate, I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do with my life. Since a new hospital was opening in November 1956, I decided to begin working there as a nurse's aide. I thoroughly enjoyed my job and went for more nursing training in St. Paul. Following training, I returned to Paynesville and have been here ever since.

My favorite part of the job is the opportunity to work with many wonderful people; coworkers and patients alike. Because the hospital was small when I started, I was able to gain experience working in many different departments. The constant progress of PAHCS is indeed amazing. Paynesville as a community is fortunate to have a health care facility always looking toward the future. I would encourage any young person to check out a career in health care. There are so many job choices available, and I have been rewarded many times over in my career as a nurse.

Lois Roback - Social Work
(25 years of service)

I was trained in mental health and one of my field placements was in a large hospital. I enjoyed the work; however, I didn't like the bureaucratic shuffling of clients or staff. The best part of working at PAHCS is that I'm part of health care in an area where there is a sense of community.

For someone interested in a health care career, there are numerous disciplines to choose from. Decide what field most interests you and pursue it. It is a challenging, yet enriching experience.

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