2012 Awards Banquet

Paynesville Area Health Care System honors 55 employees with service awards



Paynesville Area Health Care System honored 55 dedicated employees for service level achievements at it’s 8th annual service awards banquet on May 10, 2012. Ron Ommen, Interim CEO, Paulette Hagen, Director of Human Resources and Robert Brauchler, Hospital Board Chairman presented each employee with a certificate for their years of service through 2011. The program also included a slideshow tribute to the honored employees.


Thank you to the following employees for their contributions to Paynesville Area Health Care System and it’s Mission, Vision and Values.


35 Years: Kathleen Block; Mari Louis and Beverly Mueller. 30 Years: Kathleen Williams.  25 Years: Julie Hedeen; Elizabeth Kampsen and Emily Larson. 20 Years: Theresa Faber; Jane Gottwald; David Schutz, Shelley Thielen-Kalkbrenner and Nancy Young. 15 Years: Suzanne Brick; Delane Burr; Jessica Hemmesch; Susan Holmes; Lisa Phillipp; Kathleen Ruhland and Judy Vossen. 10 Years: Doreen Brugger; James Copley; Sara Finken; Sarah Gertken; Leah Knapp; Kayla Leyendecker; Jeanette Meyer; Mindi Ogdahl; Bernadette Stang; Debra Vossen and Nancy Yanish.  5 Years: Trish Barten; Kimberly Binsfeld; Julie Boehme; Susan Brauchler; Amanda Brehmer; Virginia Chevalier; Rebecca Feist; Julie Flint; Robin Hufstedler; Stacy Kampsen; Linda Kascht; Sarah Lieser; Catherine Lindenfelser; Michael Naujokas, Lisa Nelson; Tina Phillipp; Thomas Plihal; Leah Reding; Ashley Spanier; Sheila Steinemann; Jennifer Trump; Desiree Utsch; Ruth Utsch; Jennifer Vavra and Jennifer Wuertz.






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